VoIP/SIP Trunking

VoIP/SIP Trunking

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), is the standard communications protocol that was created for voice and video traffic in a Unified Communications (UC) solution across a data network.

A SIP trunk replaces the need for traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) connection. Instead, termination is provided over a company’s public or private internet connection through a VoIP SIP trunk provider. These SIP trunk providers, referred to as Internet Telephony Service Providers (ITSP), provide PSTN service on a /per minute or channelized pricing model.

The /per minute pricing model charges a set rate per minute of usage. A channelized pricing model typically provides unlimited minutes on a specific number of channels, or call paths.

Many companies already use VoIP within their PBX on the Local Area Network (LAN) to connect with IP phones. SIP Trunking also uses VoIP to take advantage of the company’s Internet connection, to allow more flexibility in communications. To learn more about Telinks SIP Trunk Services and Plans Contact Us
